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WeatherUnderground 6-day Forecast - Wesburn, AU
WeatherUnderground 6-day Forecast: Wesburn, AU
Today Tomorrow Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Partly Cloudy Partly Cloudy Mostly Sunny Partly Cloudy Mostly Sunny Mostly Sunny
Partly Cloudy Partly Cloudy Mostly Sunny Partly Cloudy Mostly Sunny Mostly Sunny
19°C 19°C 19°C 20°C 20°C 20°C
UV: 3
UV: 3
UV: 3
UV: 3
UV: 3
UV: 3
Tonight Tomorrow night Sunday night Monday night Tuesday night Wednesday night
Partly Cloudy Partly Cloudy Mostly Clear Clear Clear Partly Cloudy
Partly Cloudy Partly Cloudy Mostly Clear Clear Clear Partly Cloudy
5°C 6°C 8°C 6°C 6°C 7°C


Sun and clouds mixed. High 19C. Winds light and variable.
Partly cloudy. Low around 5C. Winds light and variable.
Partly cloudy skies. High 19C. Winds light and variable.
Tomorrow night
Partly cloudy. Low 6C. Winds light and variable.
A few passing clouds, otherwise generally sunny. High 19C. Winds SE at 10 to 15 km/h.
Sunday night
Clear skies with a few passing clouds. Low 8C. Winds light and variable.
Some clouds in the morning will give way to mainly sunny skies for the afternoon. High near 20C. Winds light and variable.
Monday night
A mostly clear sky. Low 6C. Winds light and variable.
Sunshine. High around 20C. Winds light and variable.
Tuesday night
A mostly clear sky. Low 6C. Winds light and variable.
Sunny along with a few clouds. High near 20C. Winds light and variable.
Wednesday night
A few clouds. Low 7C. Winds light and variable.


WeatherUnderground forecast for Wesburn, AU.
Animated forecast icons courtesy of